Dijital Pazarlama’16 Hazırlayan:   Tuğba Ertan      Direktör , TÜBİYAD10-23-2015 13:09:06
Markalara bir çok avantaj sunarken, gelişen teknoloji ve artan internet kullanıcısı sayesinde, her geçen gün bu avantajların daha fazlasını vaat ediyor. Dijital pazarlama, en hızlı ve en ucuz pazarlama yollarından bir tanesi. Ve tıpkı 2015 de olduğu gibi 2016’da da önem kazanmaya devam edecek... ...

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Chief digital officer – Who, what, why, when, where, how?Kaynak:   Computing   Ekleyen:  Hidayet Şahin   10-23-2015 12:36:40
The number of chief digital officers across the globe is soaring, but the scope of the role has led to......

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İzinsiz SMS'e ilk ceza verildiKaynak:   Hürriyet   Ekleyen:  Aykut Erdinç   10-23-2015 12:24:11
Elektronik ticaretin düzenlemesiyle ilgili kanun kapsamında Türkiye'de ilk kez Kayseri'de 7 firmaya, vatandaşa izinsiz kısa mesaj gönderildiği gerekçesiyle para cezası verildi....

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Customer Strategist Orkun Oguz: Finding Your Place on the Customer Measurement GridKaynak: http://www.peppersandrogersgroup.com10-22-2015 06:04:34
As the adage goes, you can't manage what you don't measure. So, it's important for companies to apply customer experience metrics such as customer satisfaction and Net Promoter Score (NPS) to help determine how and whether customer programs are making a business impact. But just as some companies don't go far enough in applying customer metrics to gauge their progress, some companies tend to go overboard with these measurements....

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5 Soruda Dijital DönüşümHazırlayan:   Atıf Ünaldı      Bilişim Danışmanı10-22-2015 05:47:18
Son dönemin iş dünyasında trend Dijital Dönüşüm, peki nedir bu Dijital Dönüşüm? 5 soruda işte cevaplar....

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The Internet of Things (IoT) is far bigger than anyone realizesKaynak:   WIRED   Ekleyen:  Ali Malaz   10-21-2015 00:58:38
When people talk about “the next big thing,” they’re never thinking big enough. It’s not a lack of imagination; it’s a lack of observation. I’ve maintained that the future is always within sight, and you don’t need to imagine what’s already there....

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A look at what digital means to Shell, Renault, Phillips and BNP ParibasKaynak:   Diginomica   Ekleyen:  Begüm Eser   10-20-2015 17:06:06
Shell, Renault, Phillips and BNP Paribas took to the stage at the Adobe Summit in London this week to share their thoughts on digital transformation. ...

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The chief digital officer part 3 – how to organize the digital shiftKaynak:   Joachim Heinz   Ekleyen:  Sevgi Güner   10-20-2015 10:15:00
Hi and welcome to part number three of the blog series on the chief digital officer.

The first part lays groundwork and explains the urgent need for this role inside business in today’s digital world....

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The chief digital officer part 2 – the tasks, the personality, the skillsKaynak:   Joachim Heinz   Ekleyen:  Sevgi Güner   10-20-2015 10:09:32
Hi and welcome to chapter 2 of the CDO blog post series.

In the first blog post of a series, I outlined the necessity of the chief digital officer. Digital technology is both – it can be a huge chance if you have the understanding of its power and possibilities. And it will be a threat to your company if you fail to run the transformation. This huge responsibility needs to be taken by a chief digital officer. In this blog post, I dig into the main tasks of his work and the key aspects of his personality. I also outline the necessary leadership capabilities of such a personality. Let´s go discovering the #CDO ??...

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The chief digital officer part 1 – the why, the what, the howKaynak:   Joachim Heinz   Ekleyen:  Sevgi Güner   10-20-2015 10:05:09
As the world becomes a digitally connected place, the impact on business is huge. As businesses are not partly affected but as a whole, there needs to be a clear responsibility for the necessary transformatinonal efforts. This blog post outlines, why businesses are in need for a chief digital officer. In a following series of blog posts, I will explain his tasks and responsibilities and finally give and idea how to organize this role inside companies.

In the first blog post, I will focus on the need for such a role in the C-suite....

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